What is Occupational Therapy?


Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy at LEAF looks a lot like play. Through therapeutic play children develop capacity to: be regulated, be organized in their bodies, generate ideas and plans for action, problem solve and form relationships. All these skills are necessary for a child to flourish both at home and at school. Playful interactions with parents, therapists and other children in the sensory gym are the perfect context for developing motor confidence, body scheme, impulse control, goal directed actions and social success.

While your child is playing, their occupational therapist is focused on arousal regulation, motor and process skill development and helping your child achieve the "just-right success". At LEAF we are evidence-based, relationship-based and direct intervention informed by principles of neurobiology and psychobiosocial research and theory.

When a child attends LEAF their whole family is supported and the parents receive training designed to give away the therapeutic principles that work to support health and well-being for their child.